For Publishers

Increase efficiency in publishing workflows using machine learning solutions

Trinka AI

The world’s most advanced AI writing assistant designed specifically for academic, scientific, technical, and business writing. .This is very helpful to ESL writers who want to publish content or research in English, as well as for researchers comfortable in English but want a quick last look on their document. Launch Trinka AI. More... »

AuthorONE v2.0

AuthorONE combines all our AI technologies to offer 60+ data points for complete editorial decision-making assistance. AuthorONE 2.0 comprises several of our cutting-edge AI technologies such as language quality check, journal scope check, manuscript summarization, keyword suggestions, and concepts. With a robust account management system, publishers can manage journal titles and editorial teams on a single customizable platform. To know more about this, visit AuthorONE.More... »

Concept Extractor

An AI extraction tool that runs through manuscripts and returns concepts. Concepts represent the most important entities, topics, and themes of a study. These concepts can then be used in a host of applications such as information search, query, and retrieval, manuscript classification, and reviewer finder or recommender. For more details, contact us.More... »


Summarizer scans a scientific manuscript and selects the most important statements that capture the gist of the study. The key statements can be used to provide a quick summary of the entire study and help in literature surveys and science dissemination as well as reduce the time taken for literature search and decision-making. To know how this tool fits your use case, contact us.More...

FindMyJournal™ (Publishers)

FindMyJournal™ (FMJ) for Publishers is a journal recommendation tool for STM publishing houses. Publishers with thousands of journals can find the most appropriate journal for a particular manuscript as there might be hundreds of journals on the same subject area. Automate the manuscript-to-journal matching process. For enquiries, contact us.More...